Heel Laser Shockwave Therapy

Effective Heel Pain Relief

Laser pain relief therapy is clinically proven to reduce pain and accelerate healing outcomes. Compleet Feet combine lasers with NICE recommended extracorporeal shockwave therapy(ESWT) to accelerate treatment outcomes. Works particularly well for treatment resistant heel pain and plantar fasciitis. Low level laser therapy ( 3LT )  modulate pain and stimulate healing for many  musculoskeletal lower limb conditions.  We have a range of  Erchonia Class 2 lasers. These are unique innovative lasers from Erchonia; world leaders in advancing the application of 3LT in medicine. Low level laser therapy has been used consistently and successfully on human athletes for many years. It has become a mainstay in professional sports where fast healing is not just desirable but necessary to remain competitive.

Healed by the Light – Jeffrey Nelson

Biphasic Dose Response in LLLT

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Frequently Asked Questions

Some answers to our most asked questions

How Does Low Level Laser Therapy Work?

3LT lasers harness visible light energy to target injured, painful, compromised areas through  photochemistry. Think of how plants utilise the sun’s energy in photosynthesis to thrive, or how human’s absorb light through the skin to synthesis vitamin D. Light energy delivered at specific wavelengths is absorbed into the body’s cells and converted into cellular energy to stimulate different biophysical reactions. This is termed biostimulation.

When cells are stressed they run out of available energy. They stop communicating with other cellular structures so healing responses are suppressed, pain sets in and conditions become chronic. Pain receptors are left permanently switched on, and a reduction in movement/ mobility subsequently occurs. Think of how back muscles spasm when you tweak your back.

3LT Simplified

  • Light energy converted into cellular energy
  • Upregulates cells to enhance cellular communication
  • Switches off pain receptors
  • Switches on healing responses
  • Effects of 3LT is akin to taking a pharmacological drug
  • No unwanted side-effects

What laser wavelengths do the PL Touch and XLR8 use?

Red 635 nm. This wavelength is clinically proven in numerous trials, studies to be the one most in-tune with the human cell for healing. The lasers are frequency specific to resonate specifically with the different cellular structures targeted. All cells have a different physiological role with their own resonance/ vibration. The lasers are programmed to  match a cell’s pecific cellular vibration energies for optimal biostimulation.

Does 3LT hurt and is it safe?

Low level laser therapy does not generate any heat, so is very safe. It is often termed ‘cold’ laser. There are no reported Erchonia 3LT adverse reports. It can be safely used to treat many conditions.

What does low level laser therapy feel like?

During treatment, most patients do not feel a thing, though some have reported a slight tingling sensation or a sense of deep relaxation after the treatment.

What we use 3LT for?

Low level laser therapy is a non-invasive, fast and effective modality, proven in clinical trials to reduce pain, reduce oedema, and promote healing. The potential applications of low-level laser are almost limitless. Erchonia has received to date 14  FDA market clearance for their lasers. Low level laser therapy has also been beneficial for patients with:

  • Arthritic conditions
  • Bunion/ forefoot pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Joint pain
  • Knee replacements
  • Injuries acute and chronic
  • Muscle, ligament sprains/strains
  • Neuropathy/ neuropathic pain ……………..and much more
  • Great for chronic conditions that have not responded to any previous treatments

How do you treat with 3LT?

Patient is assessed for  suitability  before any  3LT laser treatment:

  • Podiatrist may offer a  laser session during your treatment to ascertain effectiveness
  • May advise a course of 6 laser sessions
  • Treatments are tailored to be laser specific to specific condition treated
  • Treatments are only 1 – 3 minutes in duration
  • Several treatment settings may be used
  • Treatments can be combined with orthotics, kinetic taping, mobilisation, exercises

EVRL and Infection Control

The unique  EVRL is the world’s only low level laser to simultaneously treat infection and accelerate healing outcomes at the same time. It combines 2 therapeutic wavelengths; blue antimicrobial 405nm and red healing  635nm. These are the same 2 wavelengths utilised in the Lunula laser which we use to treat damaged and fungal diseased nails.

We can use the EVRL to help us treat highly infected wounds, poor healing and post-operatively after nail surgery to reduce infection risks and expedite healing.

What to expect?

3LT laser effects are accumulative like taking medication, but a reduction in pain, improved ranged of motion, reduced inflammation  can often be noted after 1 treatment. Chronic conditions respond a little slower than acute ones, with treatment programme spread out over a longer period of time.

  • Acute conditions require 6 sessions
  • Chronic conditions require 6 – 12 sessions


Course of 6 3LT treatments                                                   £130

Individual sessions                                                                   £26

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

We treat patients with recalcitrant heel pain, achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis with Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT). ESWT is a NICE clinically proven treatment for patients who have chronic tendon and ligament problems that have failed to respond to conservative treatment methods. It is a very effective treatment with our clinic having a very good success rate with resolving deep seated heel pain.

What is a Shockwave device and how does it work?

A ESWT is a medical device which delivers radial shock waves through the skin and subcutaneous tissues deep to the injured part or area of concern. Extracorporeal means outside if the body. The shockwaves are mechanical and not electric.
They are loud audible, low energy sound waves which work by increasing blood flow to the area of concern which at Compleet Feet can be the tendo-achilles, heel and plantar arches and fascia.

What Treatment Response Does ESWT Cause to The Heel and Foot?

The main clinical response of ESWT is to initiate a healing response and reduce pain. When patients have chronic heel pain / plantar fasciitis the healing process has stagnated. The application of ESWT will break this state of stagnation by:

• Creates an inflammatory response to promote healing
• Increase cellular metabolic activity in stressed, injured tissues
• Promotes remodelling of dysfunctional collagenous tissues
• Breaks down scar tissue and any calcification
• Reduces pain by inhibition of pain receptors

Who is suitable For ESWT?

• Patients who have not responded to conservative treatments for their condition e.g. physio,
rest, ice therapy, steroid injections, orthotics
• Patients who don’t want to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
• Patients who do not want steroidal injections and reduce need for invasive surgery

Are There Any Contraindications?

Patients will have a consultation first to assess their suitability for ESWT treatment. Below are the
general contraindications:

• On antiplatelet medication e.g. Clopidogrel, excluding 75 mgs Aspirin
• On anticoagulant medication e.g. Warfarin, Rivaroxaban
• Have a blood clotting disorder
• Under the age of 18
• Diabetic neuropathy
• Have been diagnosed with bone cancer
• Have a lower limb/ foot infection
• History of Tendo-Achilles or plantar fascia ligament rupture
• Internal fixation, joint replacements
• Pacemaker
• Had a steroid injection into the affected area within the previous 6 weeks
• Pregnant
What to expect during a treatment?
1. You will need to expose the area to be treated and lay down on your front on the couch.
Ultrasound gel will be applied to the area. The ESWT device will deliver approximately 2000

You will need to expose the area to be treated and lay down on your front on the couch.
Ultrasound gel will be applied to the area. The ESWT device will deliver approximately 2000
shocks through a specialised handpiece directly to the area of concern. There will be loud
audible sounds as each shockwave is delivered. Each 2000 shockwaves takes 5 minutes to
administer. Some areas may require more shockwaves.
2. You will feel a deep vibrating sensation which we will adjust in intensity to suit the chronicity
of your condition. It may be uncomfortable at first, but it will be tolerable after a few
minutes as the area becomes number.
3. Post treatment we may use a low level laser (3LT) to optimise healing and recovery, we may
also massage or tape the area of concern.
What to expect after treatment?
1. The area may feel numb which can last 7 – 10 days
2. The area may be red and inflamed which will dissipate
3. There may be some bruising or petechial bleeding
4. There may be some discomfort which may last several days
5. In rare cases there could be minor rupture if ligaments and tendons
How successful is ESWT?
It is a NICE recommended treatment which means it has been proven to be clinically effective. A
successful treatment is considered as a patient having at least 75% reduction in pain within 3
months. Reported global ESWT results are 80 – 90% reduction in pain and improvement in stiffness
and immobility.
How many treatments do I need?
Standard course of treatment is 3 spaced at 1 – 2 week intervals. Depending on chronicity of
condition sometimes more treatments are required. The improvements are incremental.
Afterwards will it affect normal activities?
Generally, no but you may feel a little bit bruised. We advise you don’t embark on high impact
activities for at least 24 – 48 hours after treatment. You may want to ice area or take paracetamol,
but not Ibuprofen, Voltarol NSAIDs. We want an anti-inflammatory response, not inhibit it.
What can I do to prepare for an ESWT treatment?
You need to stop taking NSAIDs at least 2 weeks before treatment. Wear comfortable clothing. You
can take paracetamol. If you are on blood thinning, anticoagulant therapy please discuss 1st with GP.
What will happen if ESWT treatment does not work?
The short-term effects are very good with reduced pain and stiffness, but for full resolution you may
have to wait 3 – 4 months. If after this time, there has not been any marked imp

What Happens During a ESWT Treatment Session?

A patient lies down on their front on the treatment couch. Gel is applied to the area to be treated before shockwave pulses are targeted into the painful area and surrounding tissue structures for approximately 3 -5 minutes. After the ESWT treatment a low level pain laser may be used on a pain setting to help stimulate a deep cellular tissue response. Finally, the treating podiatrist may massage the area and apply tape.

The treatment may be a little bit uncomfortable, but it is tolerable. Patients will note either a bruised or a lack of sensation at the treated area. The numbness can last several hours or days. We advise patients to wear any prescribed orthotics or therapeutic / ‘good’ footwear.

How Many Treatments do I Need?

We recommend an initial course of 3 ESWT treatments scheduled at weekly intervals. After the 3rd session we recommend leaving a gap of 4 – 6 weeks for an additional course of 3 treatments.

For long standing chronic heel pain and plantar fasciitis a course of 6 sessions if required. Less chronic conditions may only require  3 sessions. It can take several weeks for patients to appreciate the benefits of ESWT. Time is needed, to allow for the healing process  to progress. We must remember that bone takes up to 6 weeks to re-model. Fascia, ligaments and tendons 4 – 8 weeks to repair.

Still got some questions?


Clinic Prices for Laser Pain Therapy

As from 1st September 2020

We recommend a course of 3-6 laser sessions. Laser has an incremental  effect like taking a course of drugs. We combine the laser treatment with tapping and mobilisation  if required.

Course of 6 3LT


Individual sessions


Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

£50.00 per session

To include advice and possible tapping, low level laser, mobilisation.


Treatment Videos

Some interesting videos of our treatments

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